General Director’s Message

FAKHRABAD HOLDING was founded in 1992. Since its inception, it has expanded its scope of activities. The company has recognised the importance of optimising the diversification of Azerbaijan’s economy to ensure that it becomes a major player on the world stage. Headquartered in Baku, FAKHRABAD HOLDÏNG embraces the new — the company places great emphasis on sourcing the latest technologies and streamlining the manufacturing process. FAKHRABAD HOLDING creates projects that strictly adhère to quality standards, giving preference to quality and high level of service. AII technology, machinery, equipment, accessories, overalls and personal protective equipment meet the standards to ensure the safety of workers. Our aim is to use the resources of our country effectively by applying modern technologies, to open new job vacancies, protect the social rights of the employees, improve their material and social welfare and gain ground of the customers through our services and make contribution to welfare and economic development of Azerbaijan and to make oroeress toeether with our countrv.