is specialized in the following services:

Industrial and civil construction.

Making metal construction and modules, installing high and low pressure oil-gas and water piping.

Installation of boilers (steam boilers and water heaters operating on fuel gas, oil, solar and electric)


FAKHRABAD Real Estate is a specialist in property sales and asset management. It also offers consultancy services in both local and international markets. FAKHRABAD’s dedicated, professional team offers the following top-quality services: 

  • Property estimation and market appraisal
  • Brokerage
  • Asset management
  • Building management
  • Property and relocation consultancy
  • Corporate rental services
  • Market research
  • Investment consultancy in Azerbaijan and globally

Prefabrikated home

Prefabricated homes, often referred to as prefab homes or simply prefabs, are specialist dwelling types of prefabrikated buildings, which are manufactured off-site in advance, usually in standard sections that can be easily shipped and assembled. Some current prefab home designs include architectural details inspired by postmodernist or duturist architecture.

“Prefabricated” may refer to buildings built in components (e.g. panels), modules ( modular homes) or transportable sections , and may also be used to refer to mobile home i.e., houses on wheels. Although similar, the methods and design of the three vary widely. There are two-level home plans, as well as custom home plans. There are considerable differences in the construction types. In the U.S., mobile and manufactured houses are constructed in accordance with HUD building codes, while modular houses are constructed in accordance with the IRC (International Residential Code).

  • Modular homes are created in sections, and then transported to the home site for construction and installation. Although the sections of the house are prefabricated, the sections, or modules, are put together at the construction much like a typical home.
  • Manufactured homes are built onto steel beams, and are transported in complete sections to the home site, where they are assembled. Wheels, hitch and axles are removed on site when the home is placed on a permanent foundation.
  • Mobile homes, or trailers, are built on wheels, and can be pulled by a vehicle. They are considered to be personal property, and are licensed by the Dept. of Motor Vehicles.  Tiny home with wheels are included in this category. They must be built to the DMV code, and pass inspection for licensing.

Sera Systems

As FAKHRABAD HOLDING since 2021, together with YMS Sera Systems, we provide services to the agricultural sector in Azerbaijan, Russia and Central Asia with a professional approach to quality. Our companies have signed many projects at home and abroad. It has a production and assembly capacity of at least 500 hectares per year and is increasing its capacity day by day. FAKHRABAD HOLDING, together with YMS Sera Systems, designs, manufactures and installs modern greenhouse systems, as well as repairs and maintenance of all types of greenhouses. That is why we continue to support our farmers and agricultural companies in any situation and any problem they face.

         FAKHRABAD HOLDING, thanks to its young, dynamic and professional team, has managed to become a point of solution for many problems. Our goal is to always move forward with the highest quality and with the fewest problems.